Project meeting Dublin
Categories: English, Text, Y-NEX blogDublin – At the meeting in Dublin from May 17-18 2016 there were 10 attendees and all partners were represented.
The main agenda items were:
1. Training Curriculum for Mobile Journalists (FPZG)
2. Barcelona ToT and 3rd. partner meeting in Barcelona
4. Web Development and Social Media (Telecentar)
5. IADT project evaluation
6. Y-NEX Masterclass
The meeting was opened by Jessica Fuller, IADT Head of Creative Engagement, Nela Gudelj and Philip Penny.
Petra Kovacevic FPZG gave a presentation on the status of curriculum development and a detailed breakdown on each partners input to date at that time. Good progress was made as each partner subsequently had a clearer understanding of what was required and this has helped everyone move forward in a coherent fashion.
Laura Cervi (UAB0 then gave a detailed (draft) breakdown of the upcoming ToT in Barcelona. The plans made in Dublin for Barcelona ToT were more than adequately met as there was unanimous agreement across the partnership that the Barcelona training was a great success.
IADT then gave a short presentation on project evaluation based on feedback from the online survey of partners. The main issue highlighted concerned the organisation of the Masterclass in 2017.
All issues surrounding the MOOC were extensively discussed at the Dublin meeting. Subsequent partner meetings in Spain and via Skype have resolved all issues raised in Dublin and MOOC plans are well underway.
Danijel Borna Fiket, Telecentar gave a presentation on Y-NEX Website and the file repository and also gave an overview of the Social Network plans for September, 2016.
In summary, all partners were happy with the meeting outcomes and all pending actions identified over the two days in May, 2016 have since been addressed.