Croatian radiotelevision (HRT) | Croatia |
The HRT is a national public service broadcaster, mainly financed by viewer/listener license fees and advertising. It has well exceeded a million radio and television listeners/viewers. The main headquarter is in Zagreb and HRT has three national radio channels, 4 terrestrial TV channels and a densely developed regional radio and TV network: 8 regional radio stations and 8 regional centres throughout Croatia. It also broadcasts international tv and radio programs on its channel “Voice of Croatia” throughout Europe and overseas, notably in countries with large Croatian communities, such as Australia and the Americas. Croatia was among the first countries in Central and Eastern Europe to establish a radio station (on 15th May 1926) and television made its appearance on the same date thirty years later. HRT is a member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) since its founding in 1950. EBU is the largest professional association of public national media organizations in the world, with 74 active members – 56 in and around Europe and 35 worldwide. HRT also has a strong web presence which features live streaming of tv and radio programs, as well as a news portal, making it the largest cross-media publisher in Croatia. The HRT Music Department together with the Symphony Orchestra, Choir, Jazz Orchestra and Tamburitza Orchestra play an important role within the organisation.
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science (FPZG) | Croatia |
Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb is the oldest political science educational and research institution in this part of Europe and the only programme of political science in The Republic of Croatia. Generations of political science and journalism graduates have earned their BA, MA. and PhD degrees at the Faculty of Political Science, among them current academic and high school lecturers, scholars, government ministers and members of parliament, mayors, diplomats, journalists, publishers, media analysts and PR experts. As the oldest Faculty of Political Science in Central, Eastern and South-East Europe, offering political science program since 1962 and journalism programs since 1971, Faculty of Political Science is an academic institution whose mission is acquisition and transfer of knowledge about Croatian state and politics, society, media and its international environment. Since academic year 2005/2006 political science and journalism programs have been reorganized according to Bologna model into undergraduate and graduate programs. The Faculty also offers 11 postgraduate specialist MA programs. Faculty also has an integral doctoral program in political science.
Telecentar (TC) | Croatia |
Telecentar from Zagreb, Croatia, is a non-governmental, non-profit organization formed in 2005 as a coordination center for the regional network of civil society organizations from Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Telecentar projects include collaboration with VET and higher education institutions in development and implementation of occupational standards, qualification standards, competence frameworks, curricula, teaching and learning resource development, training of teachers and media education surveys. Telecentar is concurrently implementing non-formal media and information literacy projects targeting all age groups from children to senior citizens in collaboration with civil, private and public sector organisations.
Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology (IADT) | Ireland |
Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology (IADT) is a Higher Education Institute with approximately 2,500 students and 400 staff. Under the Qualifications [Education and Training] Act [1999], IADT has been accorded degree awarding powers at level 8 and at level 9 (taught masters) of the National Qualifications Framework, see These powers are granted under Delegation of Authority from the Higher Education and Training Awards Council [HETAC]. IADT is specialised in teaching, research & innovation at the convergence of the arts, technology & enterprise. Their faculties, departments and courses reflect this focus with the Faculty School of Film, Art & Creative Technologies including departments of Technology & Psychology; Design & Visual Arts and Film & Media. Their Faculty of Enterprise & Humanities includes the Department of Humanities & Arts Management and the Department of Entrepreneurship. Our interdisciplinary portfolio of programmes includes the creative arts, design, digital media, entrepreneurship, technology and applied psychology geared toward the creative and cultural industries sector.
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) | Spain |
The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is a generalist campus-based University, hosting 37.771 students. The UAB plays a leading role in scientific research and the wide range of disciplines represented promotes a multidisciplinary approach. UAB holds a leading position in the most prestigious and influence international university rankings. In recent years, this award has been favoured by the growing impact of the research, the constant improvement of the quality of teaching and the ability to attract international talent. This progress has been decisive in going forward to leading positions, according to the 2014/2015 QS World University Ranking, Second -ranked university in Spain, located at position 173th in the world ranking and 76th in Europe. Other rankings like The Times Higher Education World University Ranking 2014/2015, ranks UAB among the best 226-250 world universities and The Top 110 Under 50 1013/12 ranks the UAB 23nd in the world. In the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), the UAB is listed in the 201-300 position.
Audiovidual Technologies, Informatics & Telecommunications (ATIT) | Belgium |
ATiT is an audiovisual and information technologies company specialising in the integration of ICT in the educational and cultural sectors. Based in Belgium where it is registered as a company (bvba) since 1999, ATiT operates with a small full-time staff and a network of associates in different parts of Europe. The main focus of ATiT’s work lies in the effective integration of ICT tools and services including traditional as well as digital and social media in the education and training sectors and ATiT staff offer project management, technology integration, capacity building and consultancy services to a variety of clients, partners, companies and agencies in Belgium as well as around the world including the European Commission and the World Bank. The ATiT team provide training programmes whereby potential users of (digital and social media) technology for pedagogical purposes have successfully made the transition to a technology-supported environment with a specific focus on video and social media. ATiT staff also regularly act as independent evaluation experts for ICT-based education projects and provide a range of dissemination services from dissemination planning through to delivery of online and offline dissemination support including website design, media and video production, social campaigns and event management.