Support of People with Intellectual Disabilities of the City of Zagreb
Categories: English, Health and well-being, Social inclusion, Text, Voluntary activities, Youth and the worldAbout the Association for the Support of People with Intellectual Disabilities of the City of Zagreb ( so-called: SQUIRREL Club)
Organization was founded in 1958. Members of the Association are mostly intellectual impaired people their parents / guardians, as well as other family member and friends, experts and volunteers who participate or wish to participate in the welfare of intellectual impaired people .
The programs of the Association are mainly organized for the people with intellectual impairments in their overall personal development, acquiring the skills of everyday life and active participation in family and community life, their families, as a form of support in information, realization of rights and various forms of help and self-help with the aim of achieving the highest quality of personal and common life.
The association was founded by experts (defectologists, psychologists, doctors, social workers) and in the 1980″s, its members were the majority and the main carriers of its patronage.
Parents / guardians also are actively involved in the design and implementation of various activities of the association. Over the years, the association has been cooperating with City of Zagreb, its offices, competent ministries, institutions and affiliated associations.
The Association is a member of the Croatian Association of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities